Sustainable Family Home

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Quiz first, read later? You got it – here’s the quiz! Just promise to come back after you get your results. Promise? Promise. 

So you’re on the way to the babysitter’s house, then to soccer practice, and swim class, and in the midst of all that, it feels like you’re constantly using disposable items like water bottles, bagged snacks, throwing away food the kids were too distracted to eat, and just generally not being good to the Earth?

Well that’s where Sustainable Family Home comes in – helping busy modern families help the Earth, one simple step at a time. Even if we can help you make some very basic, simple changes, that’s a win! And a lot of small wins add up over time.

When we say basic, simple changes, that’s exactly what we mean. Don’t take the term “sustainable” to mean that you have to sell your house and live in a yurt and grow all your own food and ride tandem bikes everywhere (but hey, if that sounds good to you, go for it!) There’s lots of small techniques that you can do to help your impact on the Earth, even if you’re on your way to the batting cages for the fourth time this week. We’re a real family also going through many of the same struggles, and if one thing we can do is use refillable water bottles instead of disposable plastic bottles, that’s a win!

So here’s the plan: check out the tips listed in each category, and give them a try! That’s it. Then let us know how they worked for you, and if you tried something different, or have a different approach, let us know about that too! There are many ways to be sustainable, not just ones found here.

First, a quick disclaimer: many of the links found will be affiliate links, which means if you use that link to make a purchase, I get a small commission. The commission comes at no extra cost to you, and it helps support my family and our quest to be as sustainable as possible. I only recommend products based on my own experiences and/or opinions. Please only buy products you feel can be helpful to you and your family.

Finally, each product will have one or more icons to go along with it. This is how I relate to each one; here’s the breakdown:

I Own It: for products I currently have in my house

I Want It: for products that I don’t have in my house yet, but plan on purchasing soon

Premium Item: this is something really nice (like, *CLICK*, really nice, Clark)

Economy Item: an item that’s not super expensive but gets the job done

Free Item: an item that can be procured or obtained without any cost (sweet!)

Favorite: one of my personal favorite items

Greenest: this product is super-green-sustainable-Earth friendly

If this sounds like something doable to you (spoiler alert: it’s totally doable!), enter your email below and we’ll keep you posted on all the tips we create, leading to the wins you’ll create for you and your family.

Ready? Ready. Thanks for visiting – let’s do this! I recommend starting with one that’s near and dear to my heart (and my hydration levels): water bottles! 

Plus – take the dang quiz already!

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